Learn how S.T.O.P. is suing to protect privacy.

TODAY: advocates across our state are demanding the end of excessive surveillance. With police departments buying more spy tools than ever before, we need to be prepared for everything.
That’s why we created S.T.O.P.—to reclaim our privacy. Donate to S.T.O.P. today to make sure we can keep up the fight!
Our team is working with impacted communities to identify how surveillance is used and abused. But we can only follow through with your help. Can you donate and open the courthouse door?
It costs just $400 to file a federal civil rights lawsuit, and we’re planning to bring a lot of them. S.T.O.P wants to file cutting-edge cases that will give new strength to the Constitution. This work isn’t easy, but it’s never been more important. We can’t get our day in court unless we have your support, so make your tax-deductible donation today!
With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director
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