Learn how S.T.O.P. is fighting in court to end discrimination.

Did you know that S.T.O.P. is already fighting in court to protect privacy?

We are suing the Mayor de Blasio and NYPD to protect Muslim women who wear the hijab. We demand that the NYPD stop forcing women to remove their head coverings when arrested.
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Will you join our petition and tell Mayor de Blasio that it's wrong to make Muslim New Yorkers remove the Hijab? 

As I explained in my recent op-ed, Mayor de Blasio could end the NYPD hijab policy with a stroke of a pen. Sadly, his lawyers have defended the NYPD in court for more than a year.  The mayor needs to know that we expect better.  Join us in telling Mayor de Blasio to end the NYPD hijab policy today!
With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director
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