First We Made News, Then We Inspired A Federal Law.

S.T.O.P. tends to get in the news a lot, but it’s not every day that our work inspires a new federal law.

But that’s exactly what happened when S.T.O.P. and  Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP released our Searches Without Borders report, detailing warrantless device searches near the border. Alarmingly, we found that some U.S. citizens are having their phones searched just for being near the border, even though they’re not trying to cross.

When the Intercept reported on our client, we thought that might be the end of it. But then Senators Patrick Leahy and Steve Daines read our client’s story and reintroduced a federal bill to limit warrantless searches at the border.

It’s a victory when we can shine a light on abusive surveillance, but it’s an absolute triumph when we also inspire lawmakers to act. This report was just the second in a series of whitepapers on disturbing new surveillance practices. We can’t promise that our reports will always make this big an impact, but we can promise to never stop fighting to keep you, your family, and your community safe from unlawful surveillance.

Team S.T.O.P.
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