Some Personal News


As you may have heard, I’ve had some personal news in the last week, so I wanted to take time to share what it all means for S.T.O.P.  Short answer: it’s only good for S.T.O.P…Actually, it’s fantastic.
First, I announced on Friday that I will write a regular “surveillance and the city” column for Gotham Gazette.  The column will be a consistent platform to highlight the work we’re doing at S.T.O.P. to fight for privacy reforms in New York City.
Then, I announced yesterday that I received a fellowship with the Engelberg Center on Innovation Law & Policy at NYU School of law. Working with NYU Law School, we’ll be able to amplify S.T.O.P.’s research agenda. Together, we’ll highlight the impact of municipal surveillance and so-called “smart cities” programs on historically over-policed communities.

All of this is to say that I have a lot more titles, but all of these roles are building towards the success of S.T.O.P.  I know these new roles and resources will only accelerate the incredible work our entire team is doing, work that is only possible because of your continued solidarity and support.
With gratitude,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director
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