NY Post - Tech giants can help save us from coronavirus — but should we let them? localcommunications staffApril 11, 2020
WNYC - Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s role in contact tracing draws criticism. localcommunications staffApril 4, 2020
New York Post - Combatting coronavirus abroad sparks privacy concerns localcommunications staffMarch 25, 2020
The Post - The Geiger Counter: The cure for coronavirus may be worse than the virus itself localcommunications staffMarch 25, 2020
WFMU - Techtonic with Mark Hurst: Interview With Albert Fox Cahn and Liz O'Sullivan from Surveillance Technology Oversight Project localcommunications staffMarch 23, 2020
Index - Válsághelyzetben a legkönnyebb visszavágni a demokráciát localcommunications staffMarch 23, 2020
Xataka - De provincia a provincia y con grupos de al menos 15 personas: así funciona el seguimiento de los ciudadanos por las operadoras localcommunications staffMarch 23, 2020
Biometric Update - NYPD’s new facial recognition policy sparks immediate calls for a ban localcommunications staffMarch 17, 2020
Fox Baltimore - Baltimore City hopes new smart camera rebate will reduce crime localcommunications staffMarch 10, 2020
NY Daily News - Lawmakers and legal experts call Cuomo coronavirus bill a power grab localcommunications staffMarch 3, 2020
NY Daily News - Lawmakers and legal experts call Cuomo coronavirus bill a power grab localcommunications staffMarch 3, 2020
Gothamist - NY State Lawmaker Wants To End Police Use Of Facial Recognition Technology localcommunications staffJanuary 29, 2020
City & State - The MTA’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week localcommunications staffJanuary 19, 2020
City Limits - Dangerous drivers still on city streets despite thousands of speeding tickets localcommunications staffJanuary 15, 2020
NY Post - No, facial-recognition tech is not some racist Skynet localcommunications staffJanuary 13, 2020
Gothamist - Anti-Surveillance Advocates Sue MTA Over Alleged Use Of Facial Recognition Technology localcommunications staffJanuary 8, 2020
NY Daily News - Privacy group sues MTA over alleged ‘spy tools’ installed at Times Square subway station localcommunications staffJanuary 7, 2020
Gotham Gazette - Predictions! Experts Look Ahead to 2020 in New York Politics localcommunications staffDecember 28, 2019
Essex News Daily - Community discusses pros and cons of police’s MOU with Ring. localcommunications staffDecember 14, 2019