CBS - IRS is exploring alternatives to selfie verification with NationalWilliam OwenFebruary 1, 2022
CNA Insider - The Impact Of 9/11 Terror Attacks, 20 Years On National, localcommunications staffSeptember 29, 2021
Politico - 'Chilling': Facial recognition firm Clearview AI hits watchdog groups with subpoenas NationalWilliam OwenSeptember 24, 2021
CNN Business - Big Tech failed with contact tracing. Can it do better with vaccine passport apps? COVID, NationalWilliam OwenAugust 30, 2021
Wired - An Explosion in Geofence Warrants Threatens Privacy Across the US NationalWilliam OwenAugust 27, 2021
Daily Dot - 10 federal agencies want to expand their use of facial recognition despite widespread concerns NationalWilliam OwenAugust 27, 2021
Salon - Despite Biden’s promises, immigrant detention and surveillance just keep growing NationalWilliam OwenAugust 19, 2021
New York Times - New York’s ‘Excelsior Pass’ is likely to cost at least $27 million. National, COVID, local, InternationalWilliam OwenAugust 19, 2021
NBC News- Proof of vaccination in a tap? Smartphone developers want to make it that easy COVID, Nationalcommunications staffAugust 18, 2021
Tech Crunch- Amazon will pay you $10 in credit for your palm print biometrics Nationalcommunications staffAugust 2, 2021
The Washington Post - Federal agencies need stricter limits on facial recognition to protect privacy, says government watchdog NationalWilliam OwenJune 29, 2021
Higher ED Dive - ProctorU scraps fully automated remote proctoring Nationalcommunications staffMay 24, 2021
CBS - As COVID restrictions loosen, the debate over "vaccine passports" intensifies NationalWilliam OwenMay 23, 2021
Electronic Frontier Foundation - Community Control of Police Spy Tech Nationalcommunications staffMay 19, 2021
VICE - AirTags Can Be Used To Figure Out When a House Is Empty, Researcher Warns Nationalcommunications staffMay 17, 2021
Slate - The California City That Sends a Drone Almost Every Time Police Are Dispatched on a 911 Call Nationalcommunications staffMay 17, 2021