Washington Post - Students find creating covid-19 tracing app for school was easy. Navigating fault lines of the teenage pull to socializing was more treacherous. Nationalcommunications staffDecember 20, 2020
Becker’s Health IT - 'We have to stop the magical thinking': 5 barriers stopping COVID-19 vaccine passport apps Nationalcommunications staffDecember 11, 2020
AlterNet - 'Just a bad idea': Campaign warns of threat to 'society and consumers' from Amazon doorbell cameras Nationalcommunications staffDecember 11, 2020
CNet - Facial recognition's fate could be decided in 2021 Nationalcommunications staffDecember 11, 2020
VentureBeat - New York City Council votes to prohibit businesses from using facial recognition without public notice Nationalcommunications staffDecember 11, 2020
Telemundo - ¿Recibirá un ‘pasaporte’ cuando se vacune del coronavirus? Para su empresa, ir al cine, el tren y el avión... Nationalcommunications staffDecember 11, 2020
NBC News - Paper beats app: Vaccine verification will likely be proven offline. Here's why. Nationalcommunications staffDecember 10, 2020
New York Law Journal - New York Lawmakers Get an Earful Over Online Bar Exam Nationalcommunications staffDecember 9, 2020
Protocol - Civil rights groups demand data from Google on intrusive warrants Nationalcommunications staffDecember 8, 2020
Thomas Reuters Foundation - Civil rights groups urge Google to share data on geofence warrants Nationalcommunications staffDecember 8, 2020
CNET - Privacy groups demand Google disclose details on geofence warrants Nationalcommunications staffDecember 8, 2020
MIT Technology Review - Podcast: Facial recognition is quietly being used to control access to housing and social services Nationalcommunications staffDecember 2, 2020
The 74 Million - As COVID Creeps into Schools, Surveillance Tech Follows Nationalcommunications staffDecember 2, 2020
Aba Journal - Law enforcement is using location tracking on mobile devices to identify suspects, but is it unconstitutional? Nationalcommunications staffDecember 1, 2020
The Daily Dot - Why facial recognition thermometers are raising privacy concerns during the pandemic Nationalcommunications staffNovember 27, 2020
Forbes - Why We Must Update the Law for the Digital Age Nationalcommunications staffNovember 23, 2020
CBS News - New York City Wants to Restrict Artificial Intelligence in Hiring Nationalcommunications staffNovember 20, 2020
Colorlines - Thanks to 2 Muslim Women, NYPD Can No Longer Force Hijab Removals Nationalcommunications staffNovember 11, 2020
Newsweek - New York City Police To Stop Removing Religious People's Headwear Nationalcommunications staffNovember 11, 2020
Telemundo - Policía de Nueva York ya no puede exigir el retiro del velo islamico durante el arresto y registro Nationalcommunications staffNovember 9, 2020