Private Internet Access - Google gives IP addresses to police of people who have searched particular keywords or addresses Nationalcommunications staffOctober 12, 2020
Hot Hardware - Google Accused Of Giving User Keyword Search Data To Police In Latest Privacy Debacle Nationalcommunications staffOctober 12, 2020
Breitbart - Court Docs Reveal that Google Shares Data on Keyword Searches with Police Nationalcommunications staffOctober 9, 2020
Silicon Angle - Google disclosing search keyword data to law enforcement worries privacy advocates Nationalcommunications staffOctober 8, 2020
The Hill - Privacy, civil rights groups demand transparency from Amazon on election data breaches Nationalcommunications staffOctober 1, 2020
Medium - School Reopening and the Allure of Surveillance Nationalcommunications staffSeptember 30, 2020
Venture Beat - Over 1,000 parents sign open letter protesting facial recognition in schools Nationalcommunications staffSeptember 16, 2020
Fed Soc - The Price of Privacy: A Debate over Corporate Surveillance Nationalcommunications staffSeptember 16, 2020
Daily Dot - 3 Democrats call for investigation into Black Lives Matter surveillance Nationalcommunications staffSeptember 16, 2020
The Bulletin Time - Google keeps your data if you use Verily's coronavirus site Nationalcommunications staffSeptember 10, 2020
The Markup - Remote Exam Software Is Crashing When the Stakes Are the Highest Nationalcommunications staffSeptember 10, 2020
Education Dive - Tech-based contact tracing could put schools in murky privacy territory Nationalcommunications staffSeptember 9, 2020
The Markup - Schools Are Buying Up Surveillance Technology to Fight COVID-19 Nationalcommunications staffSeptember 8, 2020
Gray News - TSA is testing facial recognition at security checkpoints Nationalcommunications staffSeptember 6, 2020
Gray News - TSA is testing facial recognition at security checkpoint Nationalcommunications staffSeptember 4, 2020
Med Page Today - Data Security: Telehealth's Achilles Heel Nationalcommunications staffSeptember 4, 2020
Wired - Creepy ‘Geofence’ Finds Anyone Who Went Near a Crime Scene Nationalcommunications staffSeptember 4, 2020
The Appeal - NYPD Expands Use of Controversial Subpoenas to Criminal Cases Nationalcommunications staffAugust 25, 2020
C|Net - Google court docs raise concerns on geofence warrants, location tracking Nationalcommunications staffAugust 25, 2020
Business Insider - Many of the same companies that say 'Black lives matter' are involved with the systems that continue to oppress Black Americans Nationalcommunications staffAugust 22, 2020