Intisari Online - Hati-hati Jangan Sampai Dipenjara, Ternyata Google Akan Serahkan Data ke Polisi Bila Nekat Cari Kata Kunci Ini di Internet! Internationalcommunications staffNovember 4, 2020
China File - State of Surveillance: Government Documents Reveal New Evidence on China’s Efforts to Monitor Its People Internationalcommunications staffOctober 30, 2020
Stylo.ID - Awas, Salah-salah Bisa Dipenjara! Goolge Akan Serahkan Data ke Polisi Bila Netizen Nekat Cari Kata Kunci Ini di Internet! Internationalcommunications staffOctober 13, 2020
Daily Mail UK - REVEALED: Google is handing anyone's personal information to police if they happen to search for keywords related to an investigation' Internationalcommunications staffOctober 11, 2020
Business Insider India - Documents from an arson attack linked to the R Kelly investigation show how Google hands 'keyword' search data to police Internationalcommunications staffOctober 9, 2020
Notimérica - Portaltic.-Google entrega información de búsquedas por palabras clave a la Policía en EEUU, según documentos Internationalcommunications staffOctober 8, 2020
dobreprogamy - Google udostępnia policji wyniki wyszukiwania użytkowników Strona główna Aktualności Internationalcommunications staffOctober 8, 2020
notimérica - Portaltic.-Google entrega información de búsquedas por palabras clave a la Policía en EEUU, según documentos Internationalcommunications staffOctober 8, 2020
Olhar Digital - ONG processa polícia de Nova York por manter registros em sigilo Internationalcommunications staffOctober 7, 2020
Coenxao Politica - EUA: Nova York vai instalar postos de controle policial para fichar visitante Internationalcommunications staffAugust 6, 2020
Folha de S.Paulo - Acessos da polícia a históricos de localização de usuários do Google são contestados nos EUA Internationalcommunications staffJuly 28, 2020
L'Antidiplomatico - Sorveglianza di massa, riconoscimento facciale e dati su cloud: ecco a voi lo Stato di polizia di Microsoft Internationalcommunications staffJuly 24, 2020
Biometric Update - U.S. colleges incorporate biometrics for covid-19 monitoring, country leads pandemic health spending Internationalcommunications staffJuly 13, 2020
Deutschlandfunk - Superstar der US-Überwachungsindustrie Internationalcommunications staffJuly 10, 2020
International Business Times - NY City Council Passes Bill Mandating Oversight Of NYPD Surveillance Tech Internationalcommunications staffJune 19, 2020
The Jerusalem Post - Israeli contact tracing app raises privacy concerns in US Internationalcommunications staffJune 17, 2020
Le Temps - «Black Lives Matter» bouscule le marché de la reconnaissance faciale Internationalcommunications staffJune 14, 2020