A campaign by Fight For the Future: On September 13, people will join distributed protests at Apple stores across the country to demand Apple cancel its plans to install photo and message scanning spyware on its devices.
RSVP to join us for the New York protest!
Background: On August 5, 2021 Apple announced plans to include new surveillance features in an upcoming iOS update that will scan all photos uploaded to iCloud Photos and all iMessage images sent or received by child accounts. This sort of monitoring is a shocking departure from Apple’s former commitment to privacy and security for its users. Because these scans happen on the devices themselves, they would bypass end-to-end encryption and establish a new precedent for law enforcement to access information on personal devices. Apple is the only major tech company to take this incredibly dangerous step—but once they do, others may be forced to follow.
There is still time to stop this—we need to show massive opposition and demand Apple reverse course and NOT push this update. Join us to protest Apple and stop the spy-phone!