

Join The Privacy Fight!

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We practice what we preach: S.T.O.P. never sells or shares your data.


What We Do:

S.T.O.P. fights to end discriminatory surveillance. Our team challenges both individual misconduct and broader systemic failures. We craft policies that balance new technologies and age-old rights. And we educate impacted communities on how they can protect their rights.



Hand holding up sign saying Justice

S.T.O.P. serves those targeted by surveillance abuse. Our virtual law firm model pairs our staff with New York’s largest law firms. Together, we take on both impact litigation and direct legal services cases, all at no cost to the client. Learn More →


Albert Cahn speaking at the 2019 POST Act Hearing Press Conference

S.T.O.P. wants New York’s laws to reflect our progressive values. Our legislative priorities include the Public Oversight of Surveillance Technology (POST) Act and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Learn More →



S.T.O.P. empowers communities targeted by discriminatory surveillance. Our privacy trainings educate the public on how they can protect their communities from surveillance. Learn More →


S.T.O.P. rally in Times Square

S.T.O.P. harnesses the media to hold the powerful accountable and amplify our clients’ stories. Our interviews, op-eds, and legislative testimony explain how to end surveillance abuse. Learn More →


Fighting for Privacy

Learn more about the team leading our fight for privacy and against digital discrimination.
